Marine Forecasts
Marine Forecasts Overview
Forecast models have been used in weather forecasting for decades. In recent years, oceanographers have used mathematical models of the ocean to produce similar forecast conditions for the ocean. These ocean forecast models are run on high performance computers to provide a high resolution forecast of the ocean for the coming days. Some of the parameters produced by forecast models include ocean temperature, salinity, currents and waves.

Ocean Forecasts
Forecasts of the temperature, salinity, currents and sea surface heights every 2km around the Irish coast for the coming 3 days.
Wave Forecasts
Forecasts of the wave conditions in Irish waters every 1.8km around the Irish coast for the next 6 days.
Tidal Predictions
A tool that allows you to plan activities that are dependent on the tides for up to 2 years ahead by providing accurate predictions of tidal heights and times for 40 locations around the Irish coast.