Real Time Observations

Real Time Observations Overview
In order to make information available to users to help them make decisions around their marine activities, data collected by offshore buoys, tide gauges and vessels are often shared in real-time. This typically means within 1 hour from when the observation is made. Radio, phone or satellite communications are used to send the data back to a central repository within the hour to make them available in real-time.
Integrated Marine Observations
The Integrated Marine Observations System (IMOS) displays real time readings from sensors and instruments managed by the Marine Institute. Real time observations are provided from the Marine Data Buoy Network, Wave Buoy Network, Tide Gauge Network and Furnace Weather Station. Observations include air temperature, atmospheric pressure, atmospheric humidity, sea temperature, wave height and period statistics, wind speed and direction.
Irish Marine Data Buoy Network
A group of 5 offshore buoys deployed around the Irish coast that monitor weather and oceanographic conditions in real-time.

Wave Buoys
Deployed at Ireland’s 2 wave energy test sites at Belmullet and Spiddal on behalf of SEAI to support the development of marine renewable energies by providing real-time information on wave conditions.

Tidal Observations
Twenty tidal level stations deployed around the Irish coast as part of the Irish National Tide gauge Network delivering real-time water level, temperature and atmospheric pressure information.
Burrishoole Catchment Weather
Furnace weather station observations in the Burrishoole catchment display readings from the meteorological station. The real time observations include air temperature, atmospheric pressure, atmospheric humidity, rainfall, earth temperature, soil temperature, wind speed and direction.