Tidal Observations
Irish National Tide Gauge Network
Welcome to the Irish National Tide Gauge Network project home page. This page is designed to require minimal bandwidth. The simple map below serves to illustrate the monitoring sites (red dots) where tidal monitoring equipment is installed. The data table below the map is live, clicking on any highlighted cell (blue text) will bring up either a table or plot of the relevant data, depending on which cell is accessed.
Tide predictions are available here
Important information when viewing table of live data.
Datum information and units: times are in UTC, water levels are in meters. All levels are reported relative to Ordnance Datum Malin Head, OSGM 15.
Marine tide gauges are also reported to LAT. Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT) is defined as the lowest level that can occur due to the astronomical tide. River station data are reported to OD Malin Head. Where the gauge source data is from OPW stations, please refer to www.waterlevel.ie for metadata and archive download.
Click Here to view the IMOS Version of the Map and Data
Welcome to the Irish National Tide Gauge Network - this is an on-going development involving the Marine Institute and a number of organisations in the public and private sectors to develop a permanent tidal monitoring infrastructure, ultimately consisting off between 35 and 40 stations. The project is currently entering year 5 of an anticipated 10 year program.
The principle objectives are two fold:
- to involve local organisations (e.g. county councils) to assist them with local issues related to water level monitoring.
- to bring all operational tide gauges into a centrally managed national infrastructure.
Current activities include:
- Strategic development of the network to work with new parties enabling the full resolution of the tidal regime around Ireland.
- Roll out of GSM enabled data logging and telecommunications equipment for the central collection of data.
- High precision site surveys to enable all data to be reported relative to the national datum (ordnance survey datum Malin Head).
- Quality control of the stations to determine what outstanding work is required to get the best possible data.
The products from the network are wide-ranging and will be available as work progresses:
- Real-time data to an Internet site to support recreational users, navigation and commercial activities.
- Tidal predictions, both in the form of software tools and paper publications.
- Flood warning.
- Long term sea level variability.
Contact Us for more information
This infrastructure has been part funded under the Marine RTDI Measure of the National Development Plan 2000-2006, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Read information on the specification of the INTGN installations.
Visit the below pages for more information on tidal observations:
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