Project Acronym: CE2COAST
Project Title: Downscaling Climate and Ocean Change to Services: Thresholds and Opportunities
Funding Programme: JPI Climate & JPI Oceans (Joint Transnational Call on Next Generation Climate Science in Europe for Oceans)
Total Budget: €8.6m
Duration: September 2020 – August 2023
No. of Partners: 12 (Norway, Belgium, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, France)
Coordinator: Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA), Norway
Website: www.ce2coast.com

Project Aim: CE2COAST aims to deliver estimates of natural and forced variability of oceanic processes as well as regional and local mean states and trends of pressures on ocean services, through the collection and analysis of observational and modelling data. Human-made global change will have significant impacts at regional and coastal scales on marine systems, dependent socio-economic systems and ocean services; affecting fishing, pollution, and eutrophication. A capacity to understand and predict these impacts on regional seas and coasts is essential for developing robust strategies for adaptation and mitigation.

To combat the consequences of ocean change, CE2COAST will pursue strategic coherence of national observation strategies, where collective learning and slipstreaming leads to faster progress, using dynamical downscaling methodology, to ultimately deliver an integrated European evaluation of marine health and challenges. CE2COAST has the potential to contribute science-based knowledge for the alleviation of economic, scientific and social disparity across Europe.

The Marine Institute's ocean modelling team is mainly collaborating on work packages 2 and 3, which will deliver the evaluation of the Earth System Models at a regional scale around Ireland and the downscaling of past changes and climate projections for the Western Irish Shelf. This downscaling will comprise of both hydrodynamics and biogeochemical cycling, including the carbonate system for the purpose of analysing ocean pressures, e.g. warming, deoxygenation; and for developing climate services for stakeholders, e.g. in aquaculture and fisheries sectors.