Marine Institute EMFF 2014 – 2020

MI EMFF Overview
The European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) is the fund for the EU's maritime and fisheries policies for 2014-2020. The Marine Institute is implementing three schemes: Marine Biodiversity, Blue Growth & Marine Spatial Planning and Data Collection. The collection and use of biological, ecological and socioeconomic data is maximised by integrating across the three schemes, adding value to existing sampling programmes and developing multiple data products for different end-user and policy needs.

Marine Biodiversity

DCMAP - Data Collection Multi Annual Programme
Collection of fisheries data is an important part of supporting the delivery of the Common Fisheries Policy. We collect data through a comprehensive research vessel survey programme, port sampling of landings, sea sampling of discards, age profile of the fisheries resource, analyses of EU logbook and vessel monitoring systems data. The Data Collection Scheme is established under Union Priority 3 (Fostering the Implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy) of Ireland’s Operational Programme co-funded under the EMFF by the Irish Government and the EU.