Interactive Maps

Interactive Maps Overview
An interactive map is a web based map that has clickable points. When clicked, these points show an informational box that has text about the point, pictures, videos as well as links to external sites.
Ireland’s Marine Atlas
Ireland's Marine Atlas viewer is funded by the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government and operated by the Marine Institute. The atlas has been developed as part of Ireland's reporting for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive on the condition of the ocean. The Atlas include marine data such as Administrative boundaries, Protected sites, Oil and Gas, Ocean features, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Marine Monitoring, Seabed habitats, Tourism and leisure, Transport, Infrastructure, Discharge point sources, IMO protected areas and Current/Historical dump sites.
Shellfish Safety Data
Latest shellfish safety data for harvesting and production maps are based on defined production areas and results analysed by the Marine Institute. The HABs report system is used to monitor the status of shellfish and finfish harvesting in terms of food safety regulations and the monitoring of naturally occurring "red tides" known as harmful algal blooms.

Seabed Viewer
The seabed viewer is an interactive map that provides view and download access to seabed survey related data products. The INFOMAR seabed mapping project includes data collection such as bathymetry, backscatter, grab samples, shaded relief, sound velocity profile, sediment samples and seabed habitat classification.

Fisheries Resource Maps
View and download sea fisheries species data of the Irish Groundfish Survey and Biological Sampling Survey.

Data Services Story Maps
A story map is a web map with supporting information so it becomes a stand-alone resource. It integrates maps, legends, text, photos, and video and provides functionality, such as swipe, pop-ups, and time sliders, that helps users explore this content.

SeaRover Synthesis
A site to explore the output from the Sensitive Ecosystem Assessment and ROV Exploration of Reef (SeaRover) survey, which took place between 2017 to 2019. The 2017 and 2018 surveys took place onboard the ILV Granuaile whilst the third survey leg in 2019 employed the Marine Institute’s RV Celtic Explorer. The Marine Institute’s remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Holland I was used for each of these cruises. The Holland I was equipped with a high-definition (HD) camera, various composite video feeds and a robotic arm for sample collection.