Project Acronym: EA-RISE
Project Title: 
Euro-Argo Research Infrastructure Sustainability and Enhancement (EA-RISE)

Funding Programme: Horizon 2020

Total Budget: €3.95 million
Start/End Date: January 2019 – December 2023
No. of Partners: 19 (France, Germany, Finland, Greece, Spain, Norway, Bulgaria, Poland, Portugal, Ireland, United Kingdom, and Italy)
Coordinator: Euro-Argo Research Infrastructure (Euro-Argo ERIC)

Project Aim
Argo is a global in-situ observing system consisting of about 4,000 autonomous profiling floats measuring ocean temperature and salinity up to 2000 m depth, all over the globe. The Argo network delivers essential data both for climate change research and for ocean analysis and forecasting systems. The European component of the network Euro-Argo ERIC manages the European contribution to the global Argo network.

Euro-Argo RISE, coordinated by Euro-Argo ERIC, will enhance and extend the capabilities of the Argo network to provide essential ocean observations to answer new societal and scientific challenges.
Work packages will focus on improving and expanding the core Argo mission to the deep ocean, to biogeochemical parameters, and to partially ice-covered and shallower water regions, along with increasing the visibility of Euro-Argo ERIC and fostering collaborations with other Research Infrastructures.

The Marine Research Infrastructures team is coordinating Work Package 8 - Integration of Euro-Argo activities in the general context of global ocean observations. This work package will develop links and synergies with other related Research Infrastructures (RIs), with the aim of increasing efficiency as well as the long-term sustainability of ERICs in general. The Euro-Argo ERIC will collaboratively work with other RIs at pan-European level, within the European Ocean Observing System (EOOS) framework and at global scale in link with the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS).