Project Acronym: GROOM II
Project Title: Gliders for Ocean Observation and Management: Infrastructure and Innovation
Funding Programme: Horizon 2020
Total Budget: €2.55million
Duration: October2020 – September 2023
No. of Partners: 14 (France, Germany, Cyprus, Norway, Netherlands, Ireland, Greece, Spain, Finland, Portugal, Sweden)
Coordinator: ARMINES, France
Website: /
Project Aim
GROOM II aims to design a European Marine Research Infrastructure (MRI) that will transform fragmented research infrastructures into a sustained organisation offering a world-class service to the global population. GROOM II will build on its predecessor project (GROOM) to deliver the decision basis for an advanced MRI that promotes scientific excellence, fosters innovation, support the blue economy, builds industrial and public partnerships, and works towards helping achieve the common research and innovation mission for Europe. The project will define the overall organisation of an infrastructure dedicated to ocean research and innovation, and maritime services supporting Blue Growth. This infrastructure will be a positive step against today’s fragmented European landscape, aiding connections and synergies for the completion of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) and the European Ocean Observing System (EOOS).
The Marine Research Infrastructures team is the leader on Task 2.2 - Relation with other similar marine Research Infrastructures (RIs). The main objective of this task is to develop and upgrade synergies with other related RIs (Eurofleets, JERICO etc.) including ESFRI recognised RIs also (Euro-Argo, EMSO, etc). This will form a significant step towards the integration of the Glider European Research Infrastructure (GERI) within the European marine RI landscape towards a multi-platform, multi-parameter and multi-scale observing system. The MI is also involved in several other tasks across the project including Communications and Dissemination (WP1), Governance and Financial Sustainability (WP3), GERI Integration and contribution to sustained observing efforts (WP4), Services for public policies, market and innovation (WP5) and Technical Framework of the GERI (WP6).