Project Acronym: JERICO-Design
Project Title: Joint European Research Infrastructure of Coastal Observatories – Design Study

Funding Programme: Horizon 2020
Total Budget: €2.55million
Duration: October 2020 – September 2023
No. of Partners: 15 (France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, Finland, Greece, Portugal, Croatia, Ireland, Sweden, Estonia)
Coordinator: French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea (IFREMER), France

Project Aim

JERICO-Design aims to analyse user needs and propose a design for a state-of-the art, fit-for-purpose, visionary and sustainable observational European RI providing expertise and high-quality data on European coastal and shelf seas, supporting world-class research, high-impact innovation, and visibility of European excellence worldwide. JERICO-DS will conceptually design the entire picture of the JERICO RI, covering both hardware and software components, and including cutting edge technologies from the sensor level to the information and service distribution to users, hence contributing to the Smart Ocean. JERICO-DS will build on nations’ will and involvement to co-construct the JERICO RI, from the scientific and technical design to the business plan and governance strategy, supporting future engagement during the ESFRI process.

The Marine Research Infrastructures team are leaders of Work Package 4 on Sustainability. This WP will develop a business plan for JERICO RI to create a roadmap for its long term sustainability. This WP consists of the following tasks:

  • the development of a user and stakeholder strategy where the JERICO RI stakeholder community and their requirements are identified. This will lead to the establishment of the JERICO User Committee in collaboration with Task 7.3 partners and the JERICO S3 project WP9 partners.
  • the design of a national commitment framework through the establishment of a roadmap for capturing and tracking national commitments to observing Europe’s coastal seas. This task will establish strong linkages between JERICO RI and the Operations Committee of the European Ocean Observing System.
  • a socio-economic impact assessment. This task will review existing methodologies and frameworks for socio-economic assessment (OECD, RI PATHS) and apply this methodology to a case study of a selected national RI.
  • the design of a JERICO RI funding plan by a Funding Working Group which has been set up to identify funding streams for JERICO RI. Various sources of funding (national, European, regional) are being assessed and funding models for the central hub are under consideration.
  • financial risk assessment and mitigation strategy. This task will identify and analyse the risks to the long-term financial sustainability of JERICO RI and develop mitigation options to limit the probability of the risks occurring.