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Project Acronym: JERICO-S3
Project Title: Joint European Research Infrastructure of Coastal Observatories: Science, Service, Sustainability
Funding Programme: Horizon 2020
Total Budget: €9.99 million
Duration: February 2020 – January 2023
No. of Partners: 39 (France, Germany, Spain, UK, Italy, Norway, Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Faroe Islands, Finland, Greece, Portugal, Croatia, Ireland, Sweden, Estonia)
Coordinator: French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea (IFREMER), France

Project Aim
JERICO-S3 is a follow on project from JERICO (FP7) and JERICONext (H2020). JERICO-S3 aims to (i) provide services for the delivery of high quality environmental data, (ii) access to solutions and facilities as services for researchers and users, (iii) create product prototypes for EU marine core services and users, (iv) support excellence in marine coastal research to better answer societal and policy needs.

JERICO-S3 will provide a state-of-the-art, fit-for-purpose and visionary observational Research Infrastructure (RI), expertise and high quality data on European coastal and shelf seas, supporting world-class research, high-impact innovation and a window of European excellence worldwide. It will significantly enhance the current value and relevance of the JERICO-RI, through the implementation of the science and innovation strategy elaborated as part of the JERICO-NEXT project.

The Marine Research Infrastructures team is leading Work Package 8 providing smooth and efficient access to JERICO-S3 Research Infrastructures and resources for researchers or research teams from academy and industry using EU funded Transnational Access (TA) and Virtual Access (VA) instruments. The SmartBay observatory, the SmartBay buoy and one of the Marine Research Infrastructure team’s gliders are part of the JERICO-S3 TA programme. The access opportunities will build long-term, collaborations between users and JERICO-S3 RIs. Further details on the facilities included in the TA programme and information on upcoming calls is available here.

The Marine Research Infrastructures team is also involved in Work Package 9 dedicated to gathering information across JERICO-S3 and to prepare specific recommendations to progress towards a sustainable RI. The Marine Institute is leading Task 9.4: “Business Plan of the JERICO-RI” within this work package.