SPS Login


The Survey Planning System (SPS) is currently used by our Research Vessel Operations department in all aspects of planning and scheduling of surveys for the R.V. Celtic Explorer and R.V. Tom Crean. The SPS will be replaced by the new planning system Marine Facilities Planning (MFP), for all survey planning purposes from January 2025.

If you wish to apply for ship-time on the R.V. Celtic Explorer and/or R.V. Tom Crean please refer to the MFP Login page.

Due to GDPR each scientist sailing on the R.V. Celtic Explorer and/or R.V. Tom Crean will require access to the SPS to update their personal details themselves. Those details include specific dietary requirements, medical conditions, next of kin (NOK) details and seafaring certificate issue dates (PST, ENG11 & security awareness training). To receive the automated email from the SPS, with regards access to update personal details, the chief scientist must first add the name, email address and organisation of each scientist sailing on their survey. Once those details have been added the SPS will generate the automated email to each individual scientist, requesting them to contact Research Vessel Operations for a username and password to allow them to enter their personal details for that specific survey.


Images of Celtic Explorer and Celtic Voyager.