Explorers Education Programme announce applications for schools programme

Explorers Education Programme Expands in Galway photographer Andrew Downes

The Explorers Education Programme is pleased to announce applications are now open for primary schools, who wish to take part in marine related activities and workshops for the 2015/2016 school year. Applications must be submitted to the school's local education centre in Counties Galway, Clare, Mayo, and Sligo before 4pm on the 18th of September

"The new module system, which was introduced in 2014 allows for more students and teachers to get involved in marine projects, seashore safaris, having aquariums in the class, or taking part in a number of exciting marine workshops at their local education centre or at Galway Atlantaquaria", explained Cushla Dromgool-Regan of the Marine Institute.

Teachers can send their applications to their local educations centres in Counties Galway, Clare, Mayo and Sligo highlighting how the Explorers Education programme will be beneficial to their class, school and community.

Application forms and additional information about the modules are available to download at www.explorers.ie (Explorer Schools and Modules) or from the schools local education centre. 

The modules include:

  • Explorers Aquarium in the Classroom: This involves students running a saltwater aquarium of native species for up to four weeks in their classroom.
  • Explorers Marine Project: Students will carry out a marine based project in school. Project topics can include Marine Biodiversity, Marine Litter, or science on the Research Vessel Celtic Explorer.
  • Explorers Seashore Safari: Accompanied by the Explorers Education Officer, the students will visit their local shoreline to examine the plant and animal life present and their adaptations to life.
  • Explorer Workshops at Galway, Mayo, Clare and Sligo education centres: Workshops will last approximately 2 hours and will cover the Real Map of Ireland, Marine Biodiversity around Ireland, characteristics of living things and a squid dissection. Teachers will be asked to complete one Explorer's lesson plan post visit and a half day visit by an Explorers Education Officer will review this work and recap on the materials covered.

Science workshops will also be available to all Explorer Schools at Galway Atlantaquaria between October 2015 and March 2016 at a discounted price of €5 per students for a two hour workshop. For more information call 091-585100.

If you have any queries relating to the Explorers Education Programme, please do not hesitate contacting the Explorers Education Officers at info@nationalaquarium.ie

The Explorers programme continues to run in Dublin and Cork in association with Blackrock Education Centre, Sea Life Centre Bray and the Lifetime Lab, Cork.
More information about their workshops will be issued later in the year.

Explorer teaching materials are available to download free of charge at www.explorers.ie.

The Explorers Education Programme is supported by the Marine Institute, and is funded under the Marine Research Programme by the Irish Government.