National Marine Research & Innovation Strategy

Main Image National Marine Research Strategy. Copyright Strategic Marine Alliance for Research and Training.

National Marine Research & Innovation Strategy 2017-2021 Overview

Ireland’s Marine Research & Innovation Strategy covers the period 2017-2021 and aims to provide a framework within which funding for marine research can be targeted most effectively to areas of strategic importance. The Strategy is also designed to ensure that state support for marine research results in Irish researchers being able to compete at an international level and participate fully in transnational research projects.

National Marine Research & Innovation Strategy 2017-2021
National Marine Research & Innovation Strategy 2017-2021
A National Marine Research and Innovation Strategy was published in 2017. As part of the preparation of the Strategy, a detailed review of national and European policies and strategies in relation to the marine was undertaken. This process identified the 15 major themes that are considered under the Strategy.
Marine Research Funders’ Forum
Marine Research Funders’ Forum
The Marine Research Funders’ Forum (MRFF) was established in 2018 as a strategy implementing mechanism under the implementing actions of the National Marine Research & Innovation Strategy 2017-2021.