ERA-NET BlueBio Co-Fund First Call

The Marine Institute is delighted to advise that the 1st Transnational Call for research proposals under the ERA-NET BlueBio (Blue Bioeconomy – Unlocking the Potential of Aquatic Bioresources) Co-fund is now open. The aim is to create, test, upscale and bring to the market new knowledge-intensive products and services derived from a diversity of aquatic biomass. Proposals may be submitted under four priority areas as follows:

  • Priority area 1: Exploring new bio-resources
  • Priority area 2: Exploring improvements in fisheries and aquaculture
  • Priority area 3: Exploring synergies across sectors
  • Priority area 4: Exploring Biotechnology and ICT

The funding available for Irish partners is 1,500,000 Euro, which is being funded by the Marine Institute (€1m) and Science Foundation Ireland (€0.5m). A summary of the National Funding Guidelines are published on the BlueBio ERA-NET website. The National Rules for Ireland and the Ireland National Process Form are also available. If you have queries please email or the nominated national contact points listed in the BlueBio call documents. See also the FAQ Document for further clarifications.

Applicants under this call are advised that the closing date has now changed to 18th March 2019 and the date for submission of the National Process Form has been changed also. Please also refer to the revised Call Announcement and Guidelines on the BlueBio Portal. Copies of the presentations from the information sessions and the budget template are available on request by sending an email to

Please refer to the Ireland National Rules, which requires Irish partners to complete and submit the Ireland National Process Form to by 18th March 2019 12 noon (one per proposal).

Expiration Date