JPI Oceans Joint Call on Underwater Noise in the Marine Environment

Marine Institute is delighted to support a joint call on Underwater Noise in the Marine Environment with a deadline for proposals on 28 February 2022. The call provides an opportunity to address a systemic approach to ocean challenges, support policy and governance, and support experimental research activities on the emerging issue of the acoustic pollution of oceans and seas. The overall aim of the call is to decrease the existing high levels of uncertainty and to promote specific lines of research that will contribute to the implementations of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive at regional sub-basis scale and contributing to researching the Good Environmental Status of the European seas and oceans.

The call will address the following topics:

Theme 1: Effects of anthropogenic noise pollution on marine ecosystems.

Theme 2: Innovative seismic sources as an option for quieter and effective alternatives to conventional marine geophysical exploration.

The funding available for Irish partners is 200,000 Euro which is being funded by the Marine Institute. The full call details including details of national guidelines for Irish partners are published on the JPI Oceans website.


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Expiration Date