Marine Institute Research for Policy Awards - Pilot Call 2023

The Marine Institute is pleased to announce a pilot call for proposals for Research for Policy Awards that aims to delivery policy relevant information in a timely manner. Government Department or Agencies have identified policy topics or questions where there is a current knowledge gap that can be addressed through accelerated research. We are seeking applications for four topics under this call.  Proposals are invited from eligible legal entities (national, EU or international) with the appropriate scientific and technical qualifications and research expertise, and can be for up to 12 months in duration.

Further details including the application procedure are available in the Guidelines for Applicants Research for Policy Awards - Pilot Call 2023.

All applications must be submitted through the Marine Institute's online grant management system (RIMS). Details on registration and links to the system are also available in the Guidelines for Applicants. Further details for each award are available in the Policy Topic documents.

1.    Ecosystem-Based Approach to Sub-National Marine Spatial Planning
2.    Underwater Noise
3.    Design Flexibility in ORE Development
4.    Alternative Fuels

This call will close on Tuesday, 20th June 2023 at 16:00. Please email the Research Funding Office ( if you have any queries.



Expiration Date