National Funding

The Marine Institute provides funding for marine research in a range of areas including the Cullen Fellowship, Ship-time Programme and the Networking & Travel Initiative. The Marine Institute also provides funding for marine research including Project-Based awards such as

    • applied research projects
    • demonstration projects
    • desk/feasibility studies

and Research Awards such as

    • strategic research appointments,
    • research capacity/competency building,
    • post-doctoral fellowships,
    • PhD scholarships.

Information on other national and international funding calls relevant to marine research is available on the current funding opportunities page. Key Marine Institute marine research programmes include:

Cullen Fellowship Programme

The annual call under the Cullen Fellowship Programme provides Fellowships to postgraduates to work on projects relevant to the Marine Institute whilst studying for a higher degree. The Fellowships may be offered in all areas of Marine Institute research activity – food safety, marine technology, oceanography fisheries, shipping, statistics, marine economics, aquaculture and genetics.

The objectives of the Cullen Fellowship Programme are:

  • To provide research training opportunities for scientists in marine and related  disciplines leading to the acquisition of a higher degree,
  • To facilitate liaison between the Marine Institute’s applied research programme and the more basic or fundamental investigations in the third-level sector, particularly in ‘new science’ areas,
  • to increase the Marine Institute's research capacity.

During 2018 the Marine Institute funded 5 PhD Fellowships under the Cullen Fellowship Programme bringing a total 26 projects funded to date with a combined value  of €2,011,000.

Lead Organisation Project Title Grant-Aid €
NUI Galway Culture optimisation, and bioactivity of selected toxic Irish microalgae 69000
Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology Evaluate the disease status of velvet crab, brown crab, lobster & shrimp 72000
Trinity College Dublin Vulnerability of life stages of marine calcifiers to changes in ocean chemistry 72000
Cork Institute of Technology Next generation sequencing to determine the occurrence of Norovirus Genotypes 69000
NUI Galway A regional and rural analysis of Ireland’s Ocean and Coastal Economies 46000


Ship-Time Programme

The Marine Institute provides annual grant-aid to researchers to access ship-time to facilitate research projects/programmes and further develop the national potential to carry out world-class multidisciplinary marine research. The Ship-Time Programme also includes grant-aid to Higher Education Institutions within the island of Ireland, to provide dedicated undergraduate and/or postgraduate training programmes onboard the vessels under the Dedicated Training Programme. The Ship-Time Programme is awarded through a competitive open call on an annual basis. In 2018 the Marine Institute awarded a total of €2,640,600 in shiptime funding. Further information on the Ship-Time Programme can be found on the Shiptime overview page.

Networking & Travel Initiative

The Marine Institute provide travel grants to promote appropriate networking activities that support the Irish marine research community. Grant support is provided in the following categories:

  • Hosting Workshops and Conferences
  • Researcher Travel Awards
  • Other Marine Networking Initiatives

The Networking Initiative remains open on a rolling basis with evaluations taking place each month. In 2018, the Marine Institute awarded €97,822 in grant-aid funding under the Marine Institute’s Networking & Travel Awards.

Funding Type Awards Grant-Aid €
Hosting Workshops and Conferences 10 17,102
Researcher Travel Award 100 75,227
Other Networking Initiatives 7 5,493