Our Shared Ocean – Mobility and Travel Grants 2022
The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) though Ireland’s development cooperation programme, Irish Aid, and the Marine Institute (MI) have established a new programme called ‘Our Shared Ocean’ to support research, knowledge exchange and capacity building in partnership with Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The programme will run from January 2022 to December 2026 with a total investment of €3.8 million funded by the DFA, and administered by the MI.
The Mobility and Travel Grants 2022 is the first of a suite of competitive calls under the Our Shared Ocean Programme that will address specific ocean, climate and sustainable blue economy related challenges faced by SIDS; support the building of scientific and technical capacity to address such challenges; and promote the exchange of knowledge and expertise between Irish institutions and their counterparts in SIDS to underpin longer-term cooperation.
Award Categories:
Grant support is provided in the following categories:
1. Research Visits - Maximum grant-aid available €6,000.
2. Research Conferences and Workshops - Minimum grant-aid €500 and maximum grant-aid €2,000.
3. Training Courses - Minimum grant-aid €500 and maximum grant-aid €2,000.
Submission Deadlines:
• Monday, 15th August 2022
• Monday, 3rd October 2022
• Monday, 5th December 2022 (for events up to 31st March 2023)
Application Process:
Applications must be submitted via the Marine Institute's online Application System Research Information Management System (RIMS). Application Forms are available to download from RIMS.
Please refer to the Applicant Guidelines for information on the types of initiatives supported, how to register for access to RIMS, and the application procedure. Please see the FAQ document for general questions and queries in relation to the application, award and payment process. Applications submitted on the incorrect form or incomplete applications will be ineligible and will not go forward to the evaluation process.
Information Sessions:
- Monday, 22nd August 2022 at 15:00 and 20:00 (Irish Standard Time)
- Thursday, 1st September 2022 at 15:00 and 20:00 (Irish Standard Time)
- Monday, 5-Sep-22 at 8:00 (Irish Standard Time)
- Tuesday, 6-Sep-22 at 15:00 (Irish Standard Time)
- Thursday, 8-Sep-22 at 10:00 (Irish Standard Time)
Please email funding@marine.ie to register to attend an online Information Session.
This initiative is funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs though Ireland’s development cooperation programme, Irish Aid, administered and managed by the Marine Institute on behalf of Irish Aid/DFA.
Applicants cannot receive more than two awards in any calendar year. Awards are payable to organisations only. Applications are capped at max three applications per Organisation per event. Applications must be submitted one month in advance of the event. Applications may be submitted for events taking place up to 31st March 2023.