SEAI National Energy RD&D Funding Programme

The overarching objectives of the SEAI National Energy Research Development and Demonstration (RD&D) Funding Programme are as follows:

  • Accelerate the development and deployment in the Irish marketplace of competitive energy-related products, processes and systems;
  • Support solutions that enable technical and other barriers to energy market uptake to be overcome;
  • Grow Ireland's national capacity to access, develop and apply international class energy RD&D;
  • Provide guidance and support to policy makers and public bodies through results, outcomes and learning from supported projects

The SEAI National Energy RD&D Funding Programme welcomes research proposals from all research disciplines, as well as collaborative projects involving multiple organisations, and multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary or interdisciplinary approaches, subject to alignment with the overall programme objectives. The programme provides the opportunity for applicants to submit proposals to either an Open Strand or a Topic Strand. The Open Strand provides an opportunity for applicants to pitch ideas for research proposals that are within SEAI’s remit and that meet the above outlined programme objectives. The Topic Strand includes 22 Topic areas which have been identified as priority areas for research. Applications to both the Topic and Open Strand compete with each other for funding.

Full details of the call are available on the SEAI website. Call close date: 29th May 2023.



Expiration Date