Shiptime Awards

The Marine Institute operates the national marine research vessels (Tom Crean and RV Celtic Explorer), and associated research infrastructure (Holland1 ROV & Laochra na Mara Glider), on behalf of the Irish Government and the Irish marine community. The Ship-time Programme is awarded through a competitive open call on an annual basis details of which are published on the Marine Institute website under Current Funding Opportunities.

Research Surveys

The aim of the Ship-time Research Survey programme is to make grant-aid available to researchers to access ship-time, thereby facilitating research projects/programmes and further develop the national potential for executing world-class multidisciplinary marine research. The research priorities aim to support sustainable economic growth, promote innovation, protect marine ecosystems and inform policy, governance and regulation of the Irish marine sector. Research is funded under relevant themes outlined in the National Marine Research & Innovation Strategy 2017-2021

Dedicated Training Programme

The Ship-time Programme also includes grant-aid to Higher Education Institutions within the island of Ireland, to provide dedicated undergraduate and/or postgraduate training programmes onboard the vessels under the Dedicated Training Programme. Access to the national research vessels via a structured Training Programme provides students with invaluable experience to assist them across a wide range of activities.

Keep up to date with current surveys and view details from previous surveys through the Survey Blogs.

This scheme is funded by the Marine Institute under the Marine Research Programme with the support of the Irish Government.

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