Policy, Innovation and Research Support
Policy, Innovation and Research Support Services works to stimulate Irish marine research and to promote national and international collaboration. It also carries out policy and industry foresight that informs policy development and supports sustainable development.
The team works closely with the research community in Ireland to ensure maximum participation in international and national programmes. This includes aligning Marine Institute funding with national and EU programmes to ensure maximum impact, while minimising gaps in key marine funding.
We promote the Marine Institute's role as a research partner and ensure that Irish marine researchers are aware of relevant national and international developments.
Marine Policy and Industry Foresight
Supporting the Government's inter-departmental Marine Coordination Group and other key stakeholders, we carry out foresight on marine policy and industry opportunities. We also ensure expertise available from the Marine Institute and Marine Institute funded programmes are effectively utilised.
The Office of Research and Development
The research office develops and manages the Institute's marine research funding programme, through the provision of information about national and international marine research funding opportunities. The team contributes to the national marine research and innovation policy.
International Programmes
By maintaining links with key international research funding organisations, this programme supports the development of a vibrant marine research community in Ireland. This is done by encouraging national participation in EU and other international research funding programmes. This includes providing a conduit for international marine research funding information. We also highlight the priorities of the European Commission within the Marine Institute and to the marine research community in Ireland, and endeavor to influence EU programmes to reflect national priorities.
Advanced Marine Technology Programme
This programme promotes industry-oriented research in advanced sensing, communications and informatics to enable the development of next generation technology solutions for marine sectors. The programme also assists in delivering innovative technology solutions to global markets. A key initiative of this programme is the creation of a multidisciplinary innovation cluster supporting the convergence of ICT and marine sectors.
Niall McDonough, Director of Policy, Innovation & Research Support Services