Marine Research in Ireland
Marine Research in Ireland Overview
Marine research is cross-cutting in nature. There are a range of government departments and agencies that have a role in the promotion and funding of marine research in Ireland in relation to themes such as food, energy, transport and biodiversity. Science Foundation Ireland, the Irish Research Council, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Geological Survey of Ireland, etc. have built up considerable expertise within marine research themes and have their own mandate to direct research relevant to policy advice, development of research excellence and sectoral development as appropriate.
In addition, there are a range of agencies such as Enterprise Ireland, the IDA, BIM, SEAI and Údarás na Gaeltachta, involved in enterprise development that also have a significant role to play and are of critical importance to achieving a fully translational research capacity in Ireland.
A range of funding instruments for research exists across the Irish public funding system. The Directory of Research, Development & Innovation Supports for Enterprise 2021 published by Knowledge Transfer Ireland provides an overview of the research system, major State investments that support RD&I and the funding supports that are available to companies.
National Marine Research & Innovation Strategy 2017-2021
National Marine Research Database
As part of the implementing actions of Ireland’s Marine Research & Innovation Strategy 2017-2021, in collaboration with the Marine Research Funders’ Forum, marine related projects funded in Ireland through national and international funding schemes are recorded and analysed. Details on marine research projects funded / active during the lifetime of the Strategy are provided in the Research Database. Projects are searchable by various queries.
If you have received marine research funding and your project is not listed, please contact the Marine Institute at
New Connections III - Exploring Ireland’s International Marine Research Partnerships
A Directory of Ireland’s International Marine Research Projects 2014-2016.