Marine Data Centre

Ireland's National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC)
The Marine Institute hosts Ireland's National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC). The Marine Institute obtained international accreditation of its Data Management Quality Management Framework by the (UNESCO) International Oceanographic Commission's IODE programme in 2019. The IODE (International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange) programme designates national oceanographic data centres and has a central coordinating role internationally. The main purpose of the IODE is to enhance marine research, exploitation and development, by facilitating the exchange of oceanographic data and information between participating Member States, and by meeting the needs of users for data and information products.
The Marine Institute collects, maintains and disseminates information relating to marine matters via numerous online data services including maps and graphs to view data, descriptive metadata to find data and services to download data.

Marine Forecasts
- Ocean Forecasts of temperature, salinity, currents and sea surface heights.
- Wave Forecasts of the wave conditions in Irish waters
- Tidal Predictions of tidal heights and times around the Irish coast

Marine Observations
- Integrated Marine Observations System (IMOS) sensors and instruments managed by The Marine Institute.
- The Irish Marine Data Buoy Observation Network monitoring weather and oceanographic conditions.
- Wave Buoys monitoring wave condition at Belmullet and Spiddal energy test sites.
- Tidal Observations monitoring water level, temperature and atmospheric pressure observations.
- Burrishoole Catchment Weather monitoring air temperature, atmospheric pressure, atmospheric humidity, rainfall, earth temperature, soil temperature, wind speed and direction observations.

Access Data
- Visit The Irish Spatial Data Exchange and discover what specific geographical area data exists.
- Visit The Marine Institute Data Catalogue and download oceanography, fisheries, ocean energy, marine environment and food safety result data.
- Complete our Data Request Form for data that is not accessible via our data services.
- Visit the HABs Shellfish Monitoring Programme for shellfish safety data.

- Ireland's Ocean Economy Dashboard key facts and figures.
- Marine Research Investments dashboard.

Ireland's Digital Ocean

Interactive Maps
- Visit Ireland’s Marine Atlas to view and download official and authoritive marine environmental data relevant to reporting under Ireland’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).
- Seabed Viewer for INFOMAR data on bathymetry, backscatter, grab samples, shaded relief, sound velocity profile, sediment samples and seabed habitat classification
- View and download sea fisheries species data from the Groundfish and Biological Sampling Survey.
- Visit The Data Services Story Maps to view maps, legends, text, photos and video.
- Visit The SeaRover Survey to explore the sensitive ecosystem assessment and ROV exploration of reef survey
Data Policy & Disclaimer: Visit The Marine Institute Data Policy or visit The Marine Institute Data Disclaimer