Marine Institute Funding

Marine Institute Funding Image. Credit: Andrew Downes Xposure

Marine Institute Funding Overview

The Marine Institute provides funding for marine related projects under the Marine Research Programme. Funding is provided under a number of programmes including the Cullen Fellowship Programme, Shiptime Programme, Post-Doctoral Fellowships, Project-Based Awards, Networking and Travel Awards and the National Infrastructure Programme (NIAP).

Click on the individual programmes listed below to view additional information on each funding programme.

Shiptime image (RV Celtic Voyager and RV Celtic Explorer). Photographer Andrew Downes
Shiptime Awards
The Marine Institute operates the national marine research vessels (RV Celtic Explorer and RV Celtic Voyager), and associated research infrastructure, on behalf of the Irish Government and the Irish marine community. As part of the Marine Research Sub-Programme the Marine Institute runs an annual funding call for grant-aid towards Shiptime.
Industry Led Awards Image. Credit: Photograph © Daniel Farrell and Ann Robinson, Coast Monkey
Industry Led Awards
The Marine Institute provides funding to SMEs through the Industry-Led Awards under the Marine Research Programme. The Industry-Led Awards provide assistance for appropriate research activities that suport the goals of Harnessing Our Ocean Wealth and are in line with the research themes identified in the National Marine R&I Strategy.
Project Based Awards Image. Credit: Marine Institute
Project Based Awards

Project-Based Awards funded by the Marine Institute will provide assistance for appropriate research activities that support the goals of Harnessing Our Ocean Wealth, and/or address the objectives of other national and international marine strategies/plans.

Infrastructure Programme Image. Credit: Marine Institute
Infrastructure Programme

The specialist marine equipment and small infrastructures call is intended to address a need in the Irish marine research and innovation community in relation to capital supports for specialist marine research equipment and access to national marine infrastructure. This scheme is funded by the Marine Institute under the Marine Research Programme with the support of the Irish Government.

Networking & Marine Research Communication Awards Image. Credit: Photograph © Daniel Farrell and Ann Robinson, Coast Monkey
Networking & Marine Research Communication Awards

The Marine Institute provides awards to promote appropriate networking and marine research communication activities that support the Irish marine research community. The awards are designed as a small-scale, flexible scheme to support networking and marine research communication initiatives in the marine sector.

Post Graduate Scholarships Image – Credit Andrew Downes Xposure
Post Graduate Scholarships

The Marine Institute provides research funding opportunities for scientists in marine and related disciplines leading the Masters and PhD degrees through the Cullen Scholarship Programme and the Eoin Sweeney Scholarship Programme.

Post-Doc Programme Image – Credit Andrew Downes Xposure
Post Doctoral Fellowship Programme

The Marine Institute Post-Doctoral Fellowship Programme provides an opportunity for early career researchers to advance their careers and build a programme of marine research in an area of identified strategic importance. This scheme is funded under the Marine Research Programme with the support of the Irish Government.