Areas of Activity

We work across a wide range of areas to ensure the sustainable development of Ireland’s marine resource, to improve our understanding and to safeguard it for future generations.


Fisheries & Ecosystems

Fish Health

Seafood Safety

Marine Environment
Ocean and Climate

Education & Outreach

Shipping, Maritime & Ports

Seabed Mapping
International Activity
International cooperation is key to a successful research, development and innovation strategy. Maintaining existing international partnerships and generating new ones, particularly in the new and exciting areas at the forefront of Science, Technology and Innovation, greatly strengthens national capacity and enables Irish researchers and research-based SMEs stay at the forefront of knowledge.
MI EMFF Schemes
The European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) is the fund for the EU's maritime and fisheries policies for 2014-2020. The Marine Institute is implementing three schemes: Marine Biodiversity, Blue Growth & Marine Spatial Planning and Data Collection.