Areas of Activity

Areas of Activity Main Image. Photographer Thomas Szumski

We work across a wide range of areas to ensure the sustainable development of Ireland’s marine resource, to improve our understanding and to safeguard it for future generations.

Aquaculture.Photographer David Branigan
We provide a range of services to ensure the aquaculture industry operates to international best practice standards and in accordance with national and European legislation.


Fisheries and Ecosystems. Photographer Ciaran O'Donnell
Fisheries & Ecosystems
The Marine Institute's Fisheries Ecosystems Advisory Services (FEAS) team assesses many of the key commercial fish and shellfish stocks around Ireland.


Fish Health. Photographer David Branigan
Fish Health
Our Fish Health Unit is the Competent Authority for the implementation of aquatic animal health legislation and the Irish National Reference Laboratory for finfish, mollusc and crustacean diseases.


Seafood Safety. Photographer Cushla Dromgool-Regan
Seafood Safety
We carry out a range of seafood safety programmes to ensure that Irish seafood products supplied to National and International markets are of the highest quality regarding food safety standards.


Marine Environment Subsection. Photographer Thomas Szumski
Marine Environment
We provide scientific advice and undertake marine environmental monitoring services to ensure the marine environment is managed in a sustainable manner. These services are carried out by a team of scientific and technical personnel engaged in a range of monitoring and research programmes including phytoplankton monitoring, benthic monitoring and marine chemistry. We also provide advice on the licensing of activities in the marine environment.


Oceanography. Photographer Thomas Szumski
Ocean and Climate
Oceanographic & Climate Services (OCS) is a diverse team made up of oceanographers, ocean modellers, and project managers. We work across three core areas: observing our oceans, ocean modelling, and climate services.


Education and Outreach. Photographer Clare Keogh
Education & Outreach
We aim to increase awareness and understanding of Ireland’s marine resources through our education and outreach activities.


Shipping, Maritime and Ports. Big Stock Image
Shipping, Maritime & Ports
As an island nation, Ireland relies heavily on ports & maritime logistics for facilitating trade and access to important commercial marketplaces. Most of Ireland’s merchandise imports and exports of goods are still transported by sea. The Irish Maritime Development Office is the national development promotional and marketing agency for the shipping services sector.


Seabed Mapping. INFOMAR. Copyright Marine Institute
Seabed Mapping
We are actively engaged in coordinating, supporting and undertaking the mapping of Ireland’s seabed, and developing data services and mapping products to support government needs, research activities, and commercial development.


International Activity

International cooperation is key to a successful research, development and innovation strategy. Maintaining existing international partnerships and generating new ones, particularly in the new and exciting areas at the forefront of Science, Technology and Innovation, greatly strengthens national capacity and enables Irish researchers and research-based SMEs stay at the forefront of knowledge.

MI EMFF Schemes

The European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) is the fund for the EU's maritime and fisheries policies for 2014-2020. The Marine Institute is implementing three schemes: Marine Biodiversity, Blue Growth & Marine Spatial Planning and Data Collection.