National Marine Research Database
Details on marine research projects funded / active during the lifetime of the MRIS and beyond are provided in this Research Database and are visually represented by the accompanying charts and maps. The number of projects comprised in the database is indicated above the table and includes research projects varying in size from desk studies to large multi-annual projects. The database contains awards funded by national funding organisations that are members of the Marine Research Funders' Forum, including:
- Bord Iascaigh Mhara
- Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
- Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment
- Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Geological Survey Ireland
- Marine Institute
- Met Éireann
- Research Ireland
- Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland

The database also contains internationally funded projects with Irish involvement e.g. Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, Interreg. For projects funded by the European Commission, the database displays the total project grant-aid received by partners in the Republic of Ireland only.
For projects supported by co-financing from European Structural and Investment Funds, the appropriate national funder is displayed as the Lead Funder in the database. For further information on European co-financing of projects please contact the named Lead Funder.
The following charts provide a visual representation of the information contained in the database below. The charts present an overview of marine research projects funded by year, national/international funding, research theme, project size, funder and organisation type.
A Summary of Marine Research Investments 2017-2022 based on this database is available on the Marine Institute Open Access Repository. The overview provides a summary of Irish participation in marine research projects from 2017-2022 using data collected from national research funding bodies participating in the Marine Research Funders' Forum. The data also includes Irish participation in EU research funding programmes obtained by the European Commission.
If you have received marine research funding and your project is not listed in the database, please contact the Marine Institute at
Instructions for use:
- The database is filterable by Year, Research Theme, Funder, Research Organisation, Organisation Type, and Award Type. The default is all options selected. Options can be de-selected as required. The ‘X’ button de-selects all options in a given dropdown, allowing the user to choose only the option(s) required.
- The ‘Reset Filters’ button clears any active search and resets the filters to the default of all options selected.
- The database provides a facility to search for funded research by keywords, project title etc. The database will display the project(s) matching the search description.
- The database includes an Export function. All projects displaying in the database at the time of the command will be exported to Excel.
- The database can be sorted by each column in ascending or descending order by clicking on the column headers.
- The database includes an expand-in-place feature for cells with extended text. Click on the arrow in applicable cells to display the full text.
Heatmap 1 – Intensity of Marine Research Grant-Aid to Ireland
Heatmap 2 – Intensity of Marine Research Grant-Aid to Ireland by MRIS Theme
Heatmap 3 – Intensity of the Number of Marine Research Projects involving an Irish Research Performing Organisation
Heatmap 4 – Intensity of the Number of Marine Research Projects involving an Irish Research Performing Organisation by MRIS Theme
The contents of this page are provided as an information guide only. They are intended to enhance public access to information about funding of marine research projects in Ireland. Where appropriate, project data has been sourced from publicly available information on external sites. While every care has been taken to ensure accuracy in the compilation of this data, the Marine Institute cannot accept responsibility for errors, omissions or changes in project information. The Marine Institute reserves the right at any time to revise, amend, alter or delete the information provided on this page.
You are advised, therefore, to consult the Further Information column of the table as appropriate.
Our goal is to keep this information timely and accurate. If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them.
Full Marine Institute online policies, including Terms of Use, are available here.
For queries, assistance or feedback on the database please email