About Us

About Us Main Image. Photographer Jonathan White

The Marine Institute was set up under the Marine Institute Act 1991: “to undertake, to coordinate, to promote and to assist in marine research and development and to provide such services related to research and development, that in the opinion of the Institute, will promote economic development and create employment and protect the marine environment.”

About Us. Photographer Mike Hogan
About Us
We are the State agency responsible for marine research, technology development and innovation in Ireland. We provide scientific and technical advice to Government to help inform policy and to support the sustainable development of Ireland’s marine resource.


Organisational structure. Photographer Lisa Doran
Organisational Structure
In order to achieve our vision we have six service areas including Ocean Science and Information Services, Marine Environment & Food Safety Services, Fisheries Ecosystems Advisory Services, Irish Maritime Development Office, Corporate Services and Policy, Innovation and Research Support Services.


Senior Leadership Team
Senior Leadership Team
The Marine Institute has six Senior Leaders who report to the Chief Executive Officer.


Board Members. Photographer Cushla Dromgool Regan
Board Members
The Marine Institute is governed by a non-executive board.


Corporate Strategy. Photographer Andrew Downes
Corporate Strategy
The Marine Institute’s five-year corporate strategy (2023-2027) Ocean Knowledge that Informs and Inspires sets out eight strategic priorities centring on transforming the Institute’s knowledge, advice and services to benefit people, policy and planet. The Strategy sets out a roadmap to enable Ireland to deliver on national and EU policy goals on sustainable seafood production, ocean science and management, environment and biodiversity, maritime transport, offshore renewable energy and climate action.


Organisation Policies. Photographer Cushla Droomgool Regan
Organisation Policies
The Marine Institute is fully committed to a policy of equality of opportunity and treatment of its entire staff through its employment practices.


Subscribe to Email Notifications. Photographer Andrew Downes
Subscribe to Email Notifications
Subscribe to get email notifications whenever we publish a new press release or news item.


Corporate Social Responsiblity. Photographer Cushal Droomgool Regan
Accreditation and Awards
Read about our accreditations and awards about our accreditations and awards about our accreditations and awards.


Corporate Social Responsiblity. Photographer Cushal Droomgool Regan
Corporate Social Responsibility
Our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility is reflected in the policies and procedures in place throughout the organisation.


Tenders. Photographer Cushla Dromgool Regan
Procurement by the Marine Institute is compliant with both the EU Directive 24 of 2014 (and any amending regulations) and the Procurement Guidelines published by the Office of Government Procurement. It is underpinned by a number of core principles, in particular the need to maximise competition in the market for the goods and services purchased by the State. We publish all our tenders on www.etenders.gov.ie.


Working With Us
Working With Us
We value our ‘people as our greatest asset’ and we adopt a best practice approach in our recruitment methods to ensure that all recruitment is dealt with in a fair and efficient manner. This is reflected in our Excellence Through People Accreditation (NSAI HR Standard). Equally, we recognise that investing in the lifelong learning and development of our staff is central to the success of the organisation. We also ensure that there is emphasis placed on maximising potential while ensuring work-life balance and employee wellbeing.


Regulation of Lobbying
Regulation of Lobbying
The Chief Executive and Chair of the Marine Institute Board are designated as Public Officials under section 6(1)(f) of the Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015 (read more)