The Atlantic - A Shared Resource Presentations

Day 1 Scientific Workshop (23rd May) presentations

1. Introduction: Dr. Peter Heffernan (PDF 1.5MB)
2. Identification of Key Challenges: Prof Mike St John (PDF 718KB)

3.1 Status Reports: Seabed and Seabed Habitat Mapping Initiatives.
3.1.1 Canada: Mr Stephen Locke (PDF 5MB)
3.1.2 Europe: Mr Alan Stevenson (PDF 2.3MB)
3.1.3 USA: Prof Larry Mayer (PDF 4.3MB)
3.1.4 Habitat Classification Issues: Dr. Jacques Populus (PDF 844KB)

3.2 Atlantic-Artic trans-boundary issues.
3.2.1 Canadian perspectives: Ms Georgina Lloyd (PDF 698KB)
3.2.2 European perspectives: Pros Lars-Otto Reiersen (PDF 1.4MB)
3.2.3 US perspectives: Dr Brendan P.Kelly (PDF 413KB)

3 .3 Status Reports: Current status of Operational Oceanography/Forecasting.
3.3.1 Canada: Dr. Brad de Young (PDF 1MB)
3.3.2 Europe: Mr Pierre Bahurel (PDF 1.75MB)
3.3.3 USA: Dr John Ruairidh (Ru) Morrison (PFD 3MB)
3.3.4 An in-situ data management system in Europe: Ms Sylvie Pouliquen (PDF 1.3MB)

3.4 Status Reports: Current Ocean Observation Infrastructure.
3.4.1 Canada: Dr Kenneth Denman (PDF 9.6MB)
3.4.2 Europe: Dr Christoph Waldmann (PDF 566K)
3.4.3 USA: Dr David O. Conover .pdf

Day 2 (24th May) presentations

1.Introduction to Ocean Literacy experiences
1.1 Canada: Ms Jane Rutherford (PDF 870K)
1.2 Europe: Dr Jan Seys (PDF 1.8MB)
1.3 USA: Ms Paula Keener (PDF 2.1MB)

2. Showcasing some prominent examples of transatlantic cooperation- from Atlantic coastal states
2.1 Copernicus/MyOCEAN: Ocean Monitoring and Forcasting. Prof Nadia Pinardi (PDF 1.3MB)
2.2 INFOMAR: Integrated mapping for the sustainable development of Ireland's Marine Resources. Mr Koen Verbruggen (PDF 2.6MB)
2.3 COOPEUS: TransAtlantic cooperation in the field of environmental research infrastructures. Dr Christoph Waldmann (PDF 825KB)
2.4 Euro BASIN: Basin Scale Analysis, Synthesis and In Integration. Prof Mike St. John (PFD 2MB)
2.5 The Blue Planet Initiative of the Group of Earth Observation (GEO). Prof Trevor Platt (PDF 1.27MB)
2.6 Advancing the generation of Climate Data Records from Earth Observing satellites through transatlantic cooperation. Dr Alan Belward (PDF 1.26MB)
2.7 Canada: Transatlantic Cooperation. Dr Doug Wallace (PDF 2MB)
2.8 USA: Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH). Prof Peter Schlosser .pdf

Any queries relating to presentations, please contact