Deepwater ROV System
The Marine Institute have recently secured funding through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to acquire a Deepwater ROV system.
The acquisition of a National Deepwater ROV system was identified under Sea Change – A Marine Knowledge, Research and Innovation Strategy for Ireland 2007- 2013 which presents a national agenda, comprising science, research, innovation and management, aimed at underpinning a transformation of the Irish maritime economy.
To help us prepare the specifications for the ROV, we would like to assess current vessel users’ and potential vessel users’ technical and operational requirements for a deep-water ROV system. We have prepared a questionnaire which will help us to assess your requirements in order to ensure that we incorporate as many of your specific technical and operational specifications into the tender documentation which will be issued with the future call for tenders for the supply of an ROV system.
If you would like your ROV requirements included in the specifications, please download and complete the ROV questionnaire and return to by the 27th April.
We welcome any extra information you can give us also and please do not hesitate to distribute the questionnaire to others you feel might have a requirement for using a deepwater ROV system in the future.