RV Celtic ExplorerEUROFLEETS, a European Union FP7 research infrastructure project to foster the cooperation within research fleets across Europe, is inviting applications for access to 18 European research vessels.

The aim of the call is to provide ship-time for multi-national, collaborative research projects that will address important questions relating to all fields of basic marine research.

A total of 66 fully funded days of ship-time on 5 Global/Ocean class research vessels and 110 days of ship-time on 13 Regional class ships is available, including the use of large equipment such as ROVs and submersibles, between 2011 and 2013. These include the RV Celtic Explorer and the ROV "Holland 1".

Further details are available on the EUROFLEETS website, including a detailed description of the research vessels participating in the EUROFLEETS project, their technical capabilities, available scientific instrumentation and equipment. 

Opening Date 5th March 2010