EUROFLEETS+ Ship-time and marine Equipment Application (SEA-Programme) Call “OCEANS”

EUROFLEETS+ Ship-time and marine Equipment Application (SEA-Programme) Call “OCEANS”The Marine Institute Coordinated Eurofleets+ project today launched its first access programme; Eurofleets+ Ship-time and marine Equipment Application (SEA-Programme) Call OCEANS. The programme is now open for applications until September 27th 2019. The SEA Programme offers fully funded transnational access to fourteen Research Vessels (some with ice class) and ten pieces of Marine Equipment to carry out ship-based research activities within any field of marine science.

Applications are welcome from international teams of researchers from academia and industry. Early-career and female applicants are encouraged to apply to access the advanced research vessel fleet, designed to meet the evolving and challenging needs of the user community.

The Oceans call provides access to the North Atlantic, Artic, Mediterranean Sea, North West/West Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean. As well as Fourteen state of the art Research Vessels and Marine equipment; such as Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV's) and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles(AUV's) the call also provides the opportunity to access a unique Telepresence System which will enable remote access by researchers and diverse end users including the public, a first in Europe.EuroFleets + lauch on the RV Celtic Explorer June 2019

Aodhán Fitzgerald, Research Vessels operations manager at the Marine Institute and Eurofleets+ project coordinator, said that the launch of the Ship-time and marine Equipment Application (SEA-Programme) Call "OCEANS" is a significant milestone in the project. The call provides an unprecedented opportunity to access a larger number of research vessels and marine equipment which is extremely exciting for marine researchers."

Eurofleets+ is funded under EU Horizon 2020 'Integrating Activity for Advanced Communities' with respect to Environmental and Earth Sciences - Research Vessels. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824077.

This call will remain open for the submission of proposals until Friday 27th of September 2019.

Check for funding conditions, application guidelines and full eligibility criteria at:

Research vessels:

North Atlantic Ocean

RV Arni Freidrickson (HAFRA, Iceland)
RV Celtic Explorer (MI, Ireland)
RV DANA (DTU, Denmark)
RV Magnus Heinason (HAVST, Faroe Islands)
RV Mar Portugal (IPMA, Portugal)

Arctic Ocean

RV Sanna (GRONLANDS, Greenland)
RV G.O. SARS (HAVFO, Norway)

Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic Ocean

RV Alliance (NATO-CMRE, Italy)
RV Pelagia (NIOZ, The Netherlands)
RV Ramon Margalef (IEO, Spain)
RV Thalassa (IFREMER, France)

North-West/West Atlantic

RV Coriolis II (UQAR, Canada)
RV Atlantic Explorer (BIOS, Bermuda)

Pacific Ocean

RV Tangaroa (NIWA, New Zealand)

Marine Equipment:

AUV Hugin (UGOT, Sweden)
AUV Hugin (FFI, Norway)
ROV Ægir 6000 (UiB, Norway)
ROV Genesis (VLIZ, Belgium)
ROV Holland1 (MI, Ireland)
ROV LUSO (IPMA, Portugal)
ROV Marum Squid (UB, Germany)
ROV Ocean Modules V8 offshore (UGOT, Sweden)
VSAT Satellite System (Telepresence Unit) (GFOE, United States of America)

For a detailed description of the Research Vessels and Marine Equipment offered by EUROFLEETS+, visit or email