An Post Marine-Themed School Awards Hook Record Response
“Secrets of Ireland’s Seas” – An Post’s 2007 Educational Award Scheme has hooked a record 33,000 entries from schools all over the country, it was revealed at the scheme’s award ceremony last week. This year’s teachers’ pack, which was compiled with the assistance of the Marine Institute and sent to every school in the country, included a full colour cartoon booklet on the resources of Ireland’s 220 million acre marine territory and a full colour map of Ireland’s seas. Pupils were invited to submit artwork of all types, reflecting the marine theme, to An Post for judging.
“This pack brings together two of Ireland’s greatest natural resources – the sea and its young people. It shows the potential of the sea to provide food for an expanding world population, sustainable energy to meet our growing needs as conventional fossil fuel supplies decline,” said Marine Institute CEO, Dr. Peter Heffernan, in the foreword to the booklet. “It demonstrates the excitement of the new era Ireland is entering in terms of sustainable marine development and the sheer fun of being involved in the exploration of Ireland’s ‘inner space’. I congratulate An Post and all those involved in creating this wonderful teaching resource, aimed at the next generation of maritime explorers and innovators.”