Marine Institute releases new seabed geomorphology map

The Marine Institute has released a new high resolution geomorphology map on the Irish Marine Atlas for most of the Irish continental shelf to support ocean science, environment and biodiversity management and offshore renewable energy development. Geomorphology is the scientific study of landforms and the processes that shape them.

The project, funded via the Marine Institute research grant scheme, has been developed in collaboration with the Marine Geoscience Research Group in UCC and the Geological Survey Ireland.

Through the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications funded Irish National Seabed Survey (INSS 2003-2006) and INFOMAR programs (2006-2026) over 90% of the seafloor within Ireland’s designated and extended continental shelf area, which is in excess of 714,000 km², has been surveyed in high resolution by Geological Survey Ireland and Marine Institute. This extensive dataset has enabled numerous research groups to delve into the transformative forces that have shaped our ocean seabed over time, including glaciations, sea level changes, currents and tides.

The combination of high quality data, the application of advanced semi-automated mapping techniques and the recent development of international classification standards has offered the opportunity to create the most detailed and comprehensive geomorphological map of the Irish continental shelf to date. The classification of all seabed features has undergone rigorous validation, drawing from an extensive body of scientific literature spanning the past three decades. By applying a consistent approach nationally, the map provides a unique resource to inform on a range of pressing issues within the marine environment.

Why a geomorphology map? A unique resource for Ireland

Seabed mapping plays a pivotal role in addressing future challenges for the development and protection of the Irish offshore region.

While bathymetry data (e.g. water depth) alone provide a fundamental metric for many applications, geoscientists can add significant value by providing further data, analysis, and knowledge to better characterise the seabed.

This new geomorphology map is a prime example of how to transform scientific data into an important digital reference for policymakers, marine industries (e.g. offshore renewables, fisheries and aquaculture) and future marine scientists. Marine spatial planning and resource management decisions will continue to be informed by the increasing range of digital products produced by the Marine Institute and partners.

Examples of practical application of geomorphology include decision support for the optimal placement of new offshore infrastructure, decommissioning of existing structures with considerations for their potential impacts on marine ecosystems, identification of constraints related to potential offshore carbon capture and storage (CCS), designation of future marine protected areas and the development of more accurate models for coastal change and resilience.

The Mapping effort

The primary results of this initiative comprise ten GIS layers that not only show the extent and location of thousands of seabed features but also detail the geological characteristics and environmental conditions responsible for their formation.

These data are now freely accessible and integrated into the Irish Marine Atlas under the Geology theme.

The Irish Marine Atlas, developed and maintained by the Marine Institute with funding from the Department of Housing, Local Government, and Heritage serves as a comprehensive resource for viewing and downloading marine environmental data relevant to Ireland's reporting obligations under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).

A full description of the geomorphology mapping methodologies, the classification scheme and the outputs are available here.

A scientific peer reviewed article describing the mapping process and outcome has also been published in the Journal of Maps and is available here.


Sacchetti Fabio1, Arosio Riccardo2

1 Advanced Mapping Services. Marine Institute, Galway, Ireland

2 Marine Geoscience Group, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland


For more information, please contact:

Sinéad Coyne, Marine Institute e.   m. +353 (0) 87 947 7090

Sheila Byrnes, Marine Institute e.    m. +353 (0)87 815 5271

Notes to the Editor:

The Marine Institute is the state agency responsible for marine research, technology development and innovation in Ireland. It provides government, public agencies and the maritime industry with a range of scientific, advisory and economic development services that inform policy-making, regulation and the sustainable management and growth of Ireland's marine resources.

INFOMAR (Integrated Mapping for the Sustainable Development of Ireland’s Marine Resource) is a twenty year programme to map the physical, chemical and biological features of Ireland’s seabed. INFOMAR is funded by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC), and delivered by joint management partners Geological Survey Ireland and the Marine Institute. The programme has placed Ireland centre-stage as global leaders in marine stewardship, seabed mapping and development of marine resources.

Founded in 1845, Geological Survey Ireland is Ireland's public earth science knowledge center and is a division of the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications. We are committed to providing free, open and accurate data and maps on Ireland's subsurface to landowners, the public, industry, and all other stakeholders, within Ireland and internationally.  In addition, we act as a project partner in interpreting data and developing models and viewers to allow people to understand underground. We deal with a diverse array of topics including bedrock, groundwater, seabed mapping, natural disasters, and public health risks