Vital scientific advice on the status of and future prospects for the marine fisheries resource in Irish waters in…
Press Releases Archive 2008
Leading members of the shipping, financial and investment sectors gathered today (Tuesday 11th November) in Ireland…
Starting today (Thursday 5th November) from Galway, the Marine Institute research vesselRV Celtic Voyager, begins…
The EU FP7 Environment (including Climate Change) Programme (Theme 6) today launched its 3rd call for proposals…
Ship based training opportunities are now available for undergraduate, postgraduate and transition year students on…
The Marine Institute is now accepting applications for ship-time on board the two national research vessels, RV…
Dr Niamh Connolly, Executive Secretary of the Marine Board-European Science Foundation, visited the Marine Institute…
An EU project organised between Ireland, Spain and Norway may have found a way to secure the future of lobster…
The American Ambassador, Mr Thomas C. Foley visited the Marine Institute’s headquarters and laboratory facilities at…
Minister of State at the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Seán Power, T.D. today launched…
he Marine Institute’s SmartBay system—a network of surface and sub-surface buoys, cables and communications systems…
The weather buoy M5, which played such in important role in predicting and recording the record wave heights off the…
Galway Atlantaquaria in conjunction with the Marine Institute and Failte Ireland/West will host the biggest World…
A unique international scientific mission, to investigate the increasing mortality of salmon at sea, sails today (…
Bjorn the Polar Bear is making his way from the Arctic to Galway Atlantaquaria in Salthill to celebrate World Oceans…
Members of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Change and Energy Security today (8th May) visited Galway for…
Easy and immediate access to a wide range of ocean data, including wave and tide heights, is now available through…
Three million containers and an estimated €135 billion worth of merchandise trade were handled at Irish ports last…
The Minister for Education and Science, Mary Hanafin, TD and the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Mary…
Dr. Peter Heffernan, Chief Executive of the Marine Institute, was honoured with the Seavite Alumni Award for Natural…
The annual INFOMAR seminar at the Marine Institute headquarters in Galway today (13th February), announced new plans…
New ways of exploring the deep oceans, that can shed light on rapid climate change, investigate the consequences of…
Songs of the Deep” a unique blend of music and marine science will take place in Galway on Thursday 31st January at…
A group of European Shellfish experts visited the Marine Institute in Galway this week to discuss issues regarding…