Marine Minister, Mr.
News & Events Archive 2004
Women from rural coastal communities around Ireland, Spain and Norway are joining
Over 100 stakeholders including fishermen, aquaculture operators, tourism operato
The Marine Institute was presented with Excellence Through People Accreditation b
The processes whereby algal blooms move into sensitive seafood production sites o
Water samples from the South coast analysed by Marine Institute laboratories last
Veterinary Students taking up a degree in Veterinary Medicine in UCD this autumn
Over 280 delegates from around the world and international experts in shellfish s
Organisation Minister of State at the Department of Communications, Marine and Na
The Aquareg Programme has allocated €400,000 to successful Irish applicants since
Over 500 leading marine scientists, policy makers, and representatives of the marine sector from all corners of the…
The Flanders Marine Institute (Belgium), the Institute of Oceanology – Polish Aca
Up to 20 million homes in Europe could be powered by clean renewable energy from
Figures on the exodus towards America of highly qualified scientists, lacking opp
Future potential for the production of new wonder drugs - including anti-cancer a
A new approach to fisheries management, taking into account the full range of hum
EurOCEAN 2004, a major marine science policy conference attended by 500 policy ma
Marine scientists, managers and stakeholders from 16 countries, including represe
The Irish Maritime Development Office (IMDO) today announced that a major international maritime group, d’Amico…
Marine experts are charting a course to the west for a new research workshop to b
Crew of the RV Celtic Explorer, Ireland's national research vessel, have been bus
Marine industries in Ireland, UK, France, Spain and Portugal will benefit from th
The Irish mackerel fishery and the making of an Industry
Three budding marine biologists, Emily Kenna, Karen Cotter and Sharon Looney from