Compendium of Marine Research Infrastructures in Ireland
The Marine Institute Research infrastructures team at the Marine Institute have developed a compendium of Marine Research Infrastructures in Ireland updated for 2022. The compendium will be reviewed annually to reflect any changes to the state of infrastructure available.
Marine Research Infrastructure Compendium (PDF) for 2022.
High resolution PDF available for download here (21.5MB).
A dynamic, interactive report using Microsoft Power BI was designed to compliment the compendium. This dashboard can be used to identify the research infrastructures (RI) in Ireland and allow users to query the database. The inventory summarises all the RIs in the first two pages, followed by a more detailed report of infrastructures within each organisation.
Direct Link to Power BI Report
Open User Guide for the Power BI Report
*View in full screen mode for optimal use
To learn more about the development of the compendium and the dynamic dashboard, please refer to the Marine Research Infrastructure Compendium 2022.
Definition of a Marine Research Infrastructure:
For the purpose of the compendium, we have defined Marine Research Infrastructure providers as state-funded and private facilities, resources and related services currently used and/or potentially available for use by the scientific community to conduct Marine related research in Ireland.
This can include but is not limited to:
• Singular, large-scale research installations or equipment;
• Knowledge based resources such as libraries and databases;
• Integrated arrays of small research installations;
• Enabling ICT infrastructures such as networks of sensors or big data processing applications; and
• Laboratory and analytical research services, field trial site, testbed site, remote observation systems, special habitats, research vessels, satellite observation facilities, and coastal observatories.
• Lab-bench scale equipment which can be used for Marine research