Marine Institute on You Tube

RV Celtic ExplorerThe Marine Institute’s DVD “Explorer – A Deeper Understanding”, featuring spectacular deep water footage of coldwater corals over 1,500 metres below the sea off Ireland’s Atlantic coast, is now viewable on You Tube in four instalments.

The mission, which was undertaken in 2006, examines the plight of the Orange Roughy, a long lived deepwater fish in danger of overexploitation and the effect of deepwater trawling on coldwater coral communities.

Check it out at:  

1. Explorer – A Deeper Understanding: Part 1

 Explorer – A Deeper Understanding: Part 2

3  Explorer – A Deeper Understanding: Part 3

4   Explorer – A Deeper Understanding: Part 4

The full DVD “Explorer – A Deeper Understanding” is also available to purchase on the Marine Institute’s e-store   Price €9.99