Seafood Safety

Seafood Safety
We carry out a range of seafood safety programmes to ensure that Irish seafood products supplied to National and International markets are of the highest quality regarding food safety standards. This monitoring complies with a range of EU laws as well as national requirements. This work is carried out in conjunction with the Food Safety Authority of Ireland and the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.

Shellfish Biotoxins
We are the National Reference Laboratory (NRL) for marine Biotoxins. We carry out a monitoring programme to protect consumer health by ensuring that toxic shellfish are not harvested and placed on the market.

Shellfish Microbiology
We are the National Reference Laboratory (NRL) in Ireland for monitoring the bacteriological and viral contamination of bivalve shellfish. We work closely with the competent authorities and the shellfish industry to ensure that Irish shellfish are produced to the highest microbial standards.

Latest Shellfish Safety Data
Latest Shellfish Safety Data is used to monitor the status of shellfish and finfish harvesting in terms of food safety regulations and the monitoring of naturally occurring "red tides" known as harmful algal blooms.

Residues Monitoring
We monitor farmed fish for veterinary drug residues used in treating live animals, in line with the EU Residues Directive.

Contaminants in Seafood
We monitor contaminants and residues in seafood including farmed fish to ensure they are below levels safe for human consumption.