Taighde & Maoiniú

As an island nation, Ireland has a long tradition of marine research and innovation stretching back to such pioneers as Francis Beaufort, John Holland and William Spotswood Green. At the Marine Institute we carry out research, stimulate, fund and coordinate marine research and innovation programmes to support the sustainable development of Ireland’s marine resources.
Marine Research in Ireland

Marine research is cross-cutting in nature. There are a range of government departments and agencies that have a role in the promotion and funding of marine research in Ireland in relation to themes such as food, energy, transport and biodiversity. Marine research is carried out by Irish Higher Education Institutions, Industry and Public Bodies.
Research & Innovation Strategy
Ireland’s Marine Research & Innovation Strategy (2017-2021) aims to provide a framework within which funding for marine research can be targeted most effectively to areas of strategic importance. The Strategy is also designed to ensure that state support for marine research results in Irish researchers being able to compete at an international level and participate fully in transnational research projects.
Marine Institute Funding

The Marine Institute provides funding for marine related projects under the Marine Research Programme. Funding is provided under a number of programmes including the Cullen Scholarship Programme, Shiptime Programme, Post-Doctoral Fellowships, Project-Based Awards, Networking and Travel Awards and the National Infrastructure Programme (NIAP).

Marine Institute Funded Research
Details on marine related projects funded by the Marine Institute are provided through searchable reports. You can also view the organisations involved in marine research funded by the Marine Institute on an interactive map. Summary details of the research projects are included.
National Marine Research Database
Details on marine research projects funded / active during the lifetime of Ireland's Marine Research & Innovation Strategy 2017-2021 are provided in the database. The database has been developed in collaboration with the Marine Research Funders' Forum.

Current Funding Opportunities
We provide notifications and information on marine research funding available from national and EU funding agencies currently available to the Irish marine research community.

Previous Funding Opportunities
Summary details on previous funding opportunities are available. These include details of Marine Institute funding calls, other national funding call and international funding opportunities.
For information on successful projects funded through Marine Institute Research Funding Programmes, please see our database of Marine Institute Funded Research.