
We provide a range of services to ensure the aquaculture industry operates to international best practice standards and in accordance with national and European legislation.

Sea Lice
We carry out regular inspection of sea lice levels on all fish farms in Ireland in accordance with the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s sea lice Monitoring Protocol (2000) and Strategy (2008).

Local Aquaculture Management System
CLAMS provides a concise description of the bay in terms of physical characteristics, history, aquaculture operations, future potential, problems, etc. It also allows various Codes of Practice to be customised and integrated into the aquaculture industry operating in the bay.

Phytoplankton Monitoring
We monitor phytoplankton under a national programme which has been in place since the 1980s. Local SFPA Sea fishery officers or other assigned personnel take samples from designated sampling areas. These are sent to our labs (either Bantry or Galway) where analysis is carried out.

Benthic Monitoring
Our Benthos Ecology Group is responsible for the review and assessment of existing and proposed activities that may have an influence on the marine environment. We advise on likely consequences particularly as they relate to licensing of activities on or near the seafloor.

Shellfish Biotoxins
We are the National Reference Laboratory (NRL) for marine Biotoxins. We carry out a monitoring programme to protect consumer health by ensuring that toxic shellfish are not harvested and placed on the market.

Residues Monitoring
We monitor farmed fish for veterinary drug residues used in treating live animals, in line with the EU Residues Directive.

Shellfish Microbiology
We are the National Reference Laboratory (NRL) in Ireland for monitoring the bacteriological and viral contamination of bivalve shellfish. We work closely with the competent authorities and the shellfish industry to ensure that Irish shellfish are produced to the highest microbial standards.
Aquaculture Licensing
Aquaculture licensing is administered through the Aquaculture and Foreshore Management Division of the Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine (DAFM) and the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine decides on all licence applications made to the Department.

Contaminants in Seafood
We monitor contaminants and residues in seafood including farmed fish to ensure they are below levels safe for human consumption.

Fish Health
Our Fish Health Unit is the Competent Authority for the implementation of aquatic animal health legislation and the Irish National Reference Laboratory for finfish, mollusc and crustacean diseases.