Organisation Policies
The Marine Institute is fully committed to a policy of equality of opportunity and treatment of its entire staff through its employment practices.
Code of Conduct
You can read our Code of Business Conduct for Employees and Board Members of the Marine Institute here.
Croke Park Agreement
The Croke Park Agreement, in place from June 2010 to December 2014, requires the public service to evolve to a fit-for-purpose, affordable service which delivers a high level of transformation.

Prompt Payment Reporting
View our prompt payment reports.

Purchase Orders
The Public Sector Reform Plan requires that all Departments and Agencies start publishing quarterly reports on-line detailing purchase orders of a value greater than €20,000. The Marine Institute purchase orders greater than €20,000 are listed per quarter here.

Language Scheme
We are committed to encouraging the development of Irish language skills across all areas of the Marine Institute.

Gender Equality Plan
As a public body in Ireland we have a responsibility to promote equality, prevent discrimination and protect the human rights of everyone affected by our policies and plans.