Fisheries & Ecosystems

Fisheries & Ecosystems
Fish stocks (excluding the Inshore stocks) are managed by the EU under the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). The main instrument of the CFP are Total Allowable Catches (TACs) supplemented by various technical measures (e.g. effort control; mesh size). The provision of timely and accurate fisheries advice on the resource base underpins the management framework of the CFP. Inshore fish stocks (e.g. whelk, cockle) are managed nationally and the Marine Institute works closely with Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM) through the inshore management. The Inshore Fisheries Atlas provides details of fishing activity in the inshore waters (up to 10 miles from the Irish coast).

Fisheries Overview

Ecosystems Overview

Interactive Marine Archive

Working with Industry

(TACs) Total Allowable Catches

Fish Stock Assessment & Advice
Sampling & Data Collection

Fisheries & Ecosystems Surveys

Biologically Sensitive Area

Atlantic Salmon, Seatrout and Eels
For information on past and ongoing research, please see the Projects Database.
For information on possible funding opportunities, please see the Funding pages.