Navigating the Future III
Navigating the Future III, the latest position paper from the Marine Board of the European Science Foundation (ESF) has just been published. It outlines the most important thematic research priorities for Europe, taking into account the priorities not only for FP7, but also the objectives of national research programmes, the European Marine Environment Strategy and the Galway Declaration 2004.
As such, it is an important source of information to anyone concerned with marine science in Europe either as an academic, administrator or planner of future projects in search of EU assistance.
Jean-François Minster, the outgoing Chairman of the European Science Foundation’s Marine Board hops that “Navigating the Future III will be considered as a crucial contribution towards strengthening existing, and encouraging further development of, coordination, cooperation and networks, and fostering openness towards a more integrated approach to marine research in Europe.”
Navigating the Future III is available from the ESF Marine Board under its "Publications" heading. The Marine Board also produces a regular newsletter, which is also available on this site.