Marine Institute Summer Fête raises over 5,500 euro for Galway Lifeboat
The Marine Institute raised over €5,500 in aid of Galway Lifeboat (RNLI) last Sunday (11th July 2010), when it opened its headquarters to the local community and held a Family Fun Pirate Summer Fête in Rinville, Oranmore.
"The Summer Fete was a great success with record numbers of people visiting the Marine Institute to raise money for Galway Lifeboats ”, said Marine Institute CEO Dr. Peter Heffernan, who personally conducted tours of the building. “Because many of our staff, families and friends are involved with the sea through research, work or leisure, we are very pleased to be able to support this charity and are also grateful to the public who made donations on the day”.
Sponsors supporting the event Galway Harbour Hotel; Kylemore Abbey; Compass Catering and the marine exhibitors, artists, and performers who provided stalls, displays and fun activities made it a particularly interactive day for all the visitors.
Photos of the event:
The Marine Institute wishes to thank all of the sponsors, exhibitors, volunteers and contributors including:
Galway Harbour Hotel; Kylemore Abbey; Compass Catering.
Marine Exhibitors:
Galway Atlantaquaria; Galway Dive School; Galway Bay Sailing Club; Irish Whale & Dolphin Group; NUI Galway – Dept. of Earth & Ocean Science; Irish Water Safety; Western Regional Fisheries Board.
Breda Larkin; Ciara Nash; Claire Wade; Cushla Dromgool-Regan; Geraldine Folan; John Joyce; Laura Whelan; Lily Considine; Phyl Guerin.
Breda Larkin
Sponsors of Auction Prizes:
Burrishoole Fishery; Champion Fire; Clayton Hotel; Dara Muldowney - Dúrla Photography; David Brannigan - Ocean Sport; Evin McGovern; Galway Bay Sailing Club; Galway Crystal; Galway Harbour Hotel; Helen Boles; John Flannery; Lovely Stuff Skin Care; McSwiggans Bar & Restaurant; Radisson Hotel – Galway; Sabina Springer; Sheena Fennell; Smyth Toys; Wayne Griffin.
Contributors & Volunteers
Purcell Marine; Keady Communications; Tomasz Szumski; Rossa Meade; Eileen Hegarty; Ciara Lane; Sean Gallanagh; Joseph Regan; Donal Henderson