Explorer drama lesson plans and activities relating to the marine are available in the following strands.
Fifth Class and Six Class
Strand: Drama to explore feelings, knowledge and ideas, leading to understanding
Strand Unit: Exploring and making drama; Co-operate and communicating in making drama
Title: A whale’s tale – adventures of living in the ocean
The aim of the lesson plan if for the children to extend role playing in character and develop their ability to accept and maintain a brief that has been decided on by the teacher, as well as develop the ability to co-operate and to communicate with others in helping to shape the drama. The students will become familiar with the marine habitat and marine species. The lesson can also be used to learn about the human impacts affecting animals that live in the ocean and developing solutions to create change. This lesson plan is an extension of the Explorers Science Lesson Plan: A Whale’s Tale - Meeting marine animals around the world.
Strand: Drama to explore feelings, knowledge and ideas, leading to understanding
Strand Unit: Exploring and making drama; Co-operate and communicating in making drama
Title: A hermit crab's quest to find a new home
The aim of the lesson plan if for the children to extend playing in role and in character as well as develop the ability to accept and maintain a brief that has been decided on by the teacher. The children will develop the ability to co-operate and to communicate with others in helping to shape the drama. The activities will enable students to become familiar with the seashore habitat and seashore species. The lesson plan can also be used to help children become aware of litter issues on the seashore.