Explorer science lesson plans and activities relating to the marine are available in the following strands.
A selection of Explorer science lesson plans are also available through Irish. Please see the Gaeilege section of the website for more information:
Junior Infants Class and Seniors Infants Class
Strand: Materials
Strand Unit: Materials and Change
Designing and Making a Dry Suit for Scuba Steve
The aim of the lesson plan is for the children to identify some materials that are waterproof.
First Class and Second Class
Strand: Materials
Strand Unit: Materials and Change
Beach Towels - What Material Works Best
The aim of the lesson plan is for the children to identify and investigate materials that absorb water.
Strand: Energy and Forces
Strand Unit: Magnetism and Electricity
Exploring Materials which will protect Scuba Steve from Electric Fish
The aim of the lesson plan is for children to identify materials that allow electricity to pass through them. Experiments and demonstrations are to be conducted by the teacher. Students will become aware of the dangers of electricity as well as learn about animals in the ocean that conduct electricity.
Third Class and Fourth Class
Strand: Energy and Forces
Strand Unit: Magnetism and Electricity
Design and Make a Compass
The aim of the lesson plan is for the children to explore relationships between magnets and compasses.
Strand:Energy and Forces
Strand Unit: Forces
Density Experiment: What Floats and Sinks and Why?
The aim of the lesson plan is for the children to investigate floating and sinking with a range of materials and objects. The students should make and test predictions about objects that will sink or float and group objects based on these criteria. The students will also develop an understanding of density and how fish swim in the ocean.
Fifth Class and Six Class
Strand: Living Things
Strand Unit: Plants and Animals
A Whale’s Tale – Meeting Marine Animals around the World
The aim of the lesson is to enable children to recognise that there is a great diversity of animals in the ocean. The children will learn about the characteristics of a variety of marine animals and their habitats from different regions and ocean environments around the world. They will also learn about marine environmental awareness and care looking at the pollution affecting the animals that live in the ocean. Note: This lesson plan can be used with the drama lesson plan: A Whale’s Tale – Adventures of living in the Ocean.
Strand: Living Things
Strand Unit: Plants and Animals
Seashore Exploration and Guided Tour
The teacher and children will conduct a field trip on the seashore exploring the plants and animal life. Working scientifically the children will learn about the variety and characteristics of living things and processes of life typically found on the seashore.
Strand: Living Things
Strand Unit: Plants and Animals
Plant and Animal Life on the Seashore - Creating a Seashore, Species and Seaweed Guide
The aim of the lesson plan is for the children to learn about the seashore, tides and tidal zones; the various living conditions of the animals; and the variety of species and characteristics of the animals and plants that live on the seashore. The children will create their own seashore guidebook by researching and recording information about the seashore, types of seashores, seashore zones, plants and species.
* Note: The activities included in the lesson plan can be conducted over a course of study.
Strand: Living Things
Strand Unit: Plants and Animals
Squid Dissection and Project lesson plan and worksheet
The children will be provided with an introduction to the life process of a squid. See the teachers resources for the 'Squid Dissection' Presentation. The children will learn about the external and internal parts of a squid. The children will also explore some of the ways squid have adapted to environmental conditions as well as discuss simple food chains. As an extension the children may complete a project on the different types of squid found in the ocean.
Strand: Energy and Forces
Strand Unit: Sound
Exploring Communication and Echolocation in Cetaceans
The aim of the lesson plan is for the children to explore how sound travels through materials.
Strand: Energy and Forces
Strand Unit: Heat / Forces
Ocean Currents and Water Density
The aim of the lesson plan is for the children to learn about water density and what causes ocean currents. The children will become familiar with the features and movement of currents as well as understand the effects of currents on the planet (e.g. how the ocean affects our climate and weather).
* Note: These experiments can be conducted over a course of study.
Strand: Materials
Strand Unit: Properties and Characteristics of Materials
Flood Defences
Children will explore and experiment with the properties and characteristics of a variety of materials in making a structure based on the theme of creating a flood defence. The children will use their scientific, engineering and mathematical skills.
Strand: Materials
Strand Unit: Properties and Characteristics of Materials
Introduction to degradation and how long it takes for materials to break down
The children will learn about the degradation of items typically found on the seashore. This activity can be done in class before visiting the seashore and /or carried out on the seashore after a beach clean. Also see the lesson plan Biodegradation quiz and beach activities.
Strand: Materials
Strand Unit: Materials and Change
Materials and Change - Exploring Desalinating Saltwater
The aim of the lesson plan is for the children to explore the effects of heating liquids and materials contained within liquids. Desalinating saltwater to create fresh water is used as an example.
Strand: Materials
Strand Unit: Materials and Change
Materials - Exploring Marine Debris Degradation
The aim of the lesson plan is for the children identify and investigate a range of common materials in the immediate environment. The children will observe, investigate and experiment on the degradation effects the environment has on these items.
Strand: Environmental Awareness and Care
Strand Unit: Caring for my locality / environmentBiodegradation quiz and beach activities using the biodegradation information sheet
The aim of the lesson plan is for the children to learn about the biodegradation of items typically found on the seashore. This activity can be done in class or on the seashore where children can guess how long items take to biodegrade. See also the geography lesson plan on how to organise a seashore safari and beach clean.
Strand: Environmental Awareness and Care
Strand Unit: Environmental Awareness / Science and the Environment
Water Pollution
The aim of the lesson plan is for the children to learn about what causes water pollution and how to be environmentally aware.
*Note: Students should understand the concept of the water cycle before moving onto water pollution.
Strand: Environmental Awareness and Care
Strand Unit: Science and the Environment
Oceans All Around Us - Demonstrating a Miniature Water Cycle
The aim of the lesson plan is for the children to learn about the marine elements of our natural environment and the importance of the water cycle. The children will look at and compare the marine environment to other places locally, nationally and internationally.
Strand: Environmental Awareness and Care
Strand Unit: Science and the Environment
Oceans All Around Us - Demonstrating a Miniature Water Cycle
The aim of the lesson plan is for the children to learn about the marine elements of our natural environment and the importance of the water cycle. The children will look at and compare the marine environment to other places locally, nationally and internationally.
Strand: All Science Strands
Seashore Marine Table Quiz
The marine table quiz can be used to evaluate the classes knowledge of the marine, living things and the natural environment. The table quiz can be used as a guide, highlighting facts about the marine environment and some of the animals that live there.