Explorer mathematics lesson plans and activities relating to the marine are available in the following strands.
A selection of Explorer mathematics lesson plans are also available through Irish. Please see the Gaeilege section of the website for more information:
Junior Infants Class and Seniors Infants Class
Strand: Early Mathematical Activities and Numbers
Strand Units: Classifying, Matching, Counting, Comparing and Ordering, Analysis of Numbers
Sea Animals and Numbers
The aim of this lesson plan is to introduce infants to numbers by classifying, matching, comparing and ordering objects. Infants can also learn to count and analyse numbers by combining, partitioning and using numeration. By using sets of sea animals, such as limpets, dog whelks, and periwinkles, the children can also learn about animals that live in the sea around Ireland.
Strand: Algebra
Strand Unit: Extending and using Patterns
Sea Animals and Algebraic Patterns
The aim of this lesson plan is to introduce children to patterns by allowing them to identify, copy and extend patterns while using pictures of marine animals and or colours.
Strand: Shape and Space
Strand Unit: Spatial Awareness, 2-D Shapes, 3-D Shapes
Shapes of the Ocean
The aim of this lesson plan is to introduce the children to shape and size by developing spatial awareness via the use of vocabulary such as: 'beside' or 'under'; by understanding the concept of 2- D and 3-D shapes; and by drawing and combining to form new shapes and even sea animals.
Strand: Measures
Strand Unit: Length, Weight, Capacity
Measurements and the Sea
The aim of this lesson plan is to develop the children's understanding of concepts of measurements such as length, weight and capacity. This is done through exploration, discussion and use of appropriate vocabulary using pictures of sea animals and items collected from the seashore. The children will be enabled to compare and order items according to length, weight or capacity during the different activities.
Strand: Data
Strand Unit: Recognising and Interpreting Data
Sea Animals and Data
The aim of this lesson plan is to introduce children to data by allowing them to sort and classify different sets of sea animals such as sea stars, fish, turtles, whales, sea snails, and seahorses. Animals can be sorted based on colour, shape and size, and function. The children can also use sets of seashells to sort real objects based on shape, size and texture. The children can use the sea animal pictures and seashells to represent and interpret a set of simple mathematical data based on real objects, pictures and models.
First Class and Second Class
Strand: Numbers
Strand Unit: Counting and Numeration, Comparing and Ordering, Place Value, Operations Fractions
Numbers in the Sea
The aim of this lesson plan is to introduce the children to counting and numeration, comparing and ordering, mixed operations (addition and subtraction) and fractions through problem solving.
Strand: Algebra
Strand Unit: Extending and Using Patterns
Patterns and Numbers
The aim of this lesson plan is to develop the children's understanding of the concepts of algebra by exploring patterns and extending and using patterns of shells.
Strand: Shape and Space
Strand Unit: Spatial Awareness, Symmetry, Angles
Shapes and Spaces
The aim of this lesson plan is to develop the children's understanding of concepts of spatial awareness, symmetry and angles using pictures that include marine animals and items from the seashore.
Strand: Measures
Strand Unit: Length, Weight, Area, Capacity
The aim of this lesson plan is to develop the children's understanding of concepts of measurement such as: length; weight; area and capacity. This is done through exploration, discussion and use of appropriate vocabulary using questions and problems and items collected from the seashore. Children will be enabled to answer questions relating to length and area as well as compare and order items according to weight and capacity during the different activities.
Strand: Data
Strand Unit: Recognising and Interpreting Data
Sea Animals and Data - Representing and Interpreting Data
The aim of this lesson plan is to allow children to develop their understanding of data by examining a number of questions and problems relating to sea animals.
Third Class and Fourth Class
Strand: Numbers
Strand Unit: Place value, Operations, Fractions, Decimals
Number Problems
The aim of this lesson plan is to introduce 3rd and 4th class children to numbers from zero to nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine (0 to 9999) by reviewing place value, operations, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division exercises.
Strand: Shape and Space
Strand Unit: Symmetry
Symmetry and the Sea - Line Symmetry
The aim of this lesson plan is for children to learn about line symmetry in the marine environment and familiarise them with drawing lines of symmetry in two dimensional shapes. The students will begin by identifying symmetrical pictures and work up to drawing symmetrical images by themselves.
Strand: Measures
Strand Unit: Length
Measuring Estimating and Comparing Fish Lengths
The aim of the lesson plan is for children to be enabled to estimate, compare and measure regular and irregular shapes such as fish using standard and non-standard forms of measurement.
Strand: Measures
Strand Unit: Time
Erica's Timetable working on the Research Vessel Celtic Explorer
The aim of the lesson plan is for children to be enabled to consolidate the concept of the passing of time. Using a schedule of work on the research vessel RV Celtic Explorer, the children will solve practical tasks involving the addition and subtraction of hours and minutes.
Strand: Measures
Strand Unit: Length
Measuring Ireland's Research Vessels and other Marine objects
The aim of the lesson plan is for children to estimate, measure and record the lengths, heights and perimeter of selected objects including marine related objects and Ireland's marine research vessels.
Strand: Data
Strand Unit: Representing and Interpreting data
Interpreting and representing the Data from Sam's fishing trip
The aim of the lesson plan is for children to be enabled to estimate, compare and measure regular and irregular shapes such as fish using standard and non-standard forms of measurement.
Fifth Class and Sixth Class
Strand: Numbers, Measures and Data
Strand Unit: Time, Comparing and ordering, Representing and Interpreting Data
Creating Rockets Experiment - Maths Extension
The aim of the lesson plan is to help children design an experiment to test the effect of water temperature on the launch time of a film holder rocket. Once the experiment has been conducted, the children can carry out a number of maths related activities including measuring quantities and time, ordering and comparing responses and representing data.
Strand: Algebra
Strand Unit: Directed Numbers
Recording the Depths of the Ocean
The aim of the lesson plan is for the children to be enabled to identify and record positive and negative numbers on the number line. Depths of the Ocean and the Real Map of Ireland (showing Irelands marine territory) are used as examples.
Strand: Algebra
Strand Unit: Directed Numbers
Recording Ocean Zone Temperatures and understanding the Depths of the Ocean
The aim of the lesson plan is for the children to be enabled to identify and record positive and negative numbers. Depths of the Ocean and Ocean zone temperatures are used as an example.
Strand: Algebra
Strand Unit: Directed Numbers
Above and Below Sea Level - Recording Directed Numbers
The aim of the lesson plan is for the children to understand the practical application of directed numbers in the context of sea levels through discussion and practical engagement.
Strand: Measures
Strand Unit: Money
At the Fishmongers - Practical Problems
The aim of the lesson plan is for the children to be enabled to compare and determine value for money through tasks and practical problems. The children will compare and calculate practical money problems at the fishmongers including hourly rate of pay and shopping bills by engaging in role play.
Strand: Data
Strand Unit: Recognising, Representing and Interpreting Data
Temperature Study of Water Samples
The aim of the lesson plan is for the children to work mathematically developing mathematical skills, studying the temperature of the classroom and the temperature of the water samples. Students will become familiar with using thermometers and will explore and develop concepts using skills relating to: estimating and measuring; analysing; recording, communicating and expressing; applying and problem solving; reasoning; understanding and recalling.
Strand: Data
Strand Unit: Recognising and interpreting data
Data on the Shore (Lesson plan v2 updated Nov 2015)
This activity involves taking students to the seashore. Children will collect data on the shore based on the types of animals and seaweeds found there. Based on the student's prior knowledge and experience on the shore, data collection can be kept simplistic or more comprehensive categorising the data collected e.g. different seaweeds or the different types of shellfish. The children will be enabled to collect data from the different zones on the shore. Back in the classroom, children will learn how to represent this data pictorially using bar line charts, trend graphs and pie charts.
Strand: Data
Strand Unit: Representing and Interpreting data
Interpreting and presenting data about marine litter in the ocean
The children will learn how to represent and interpret data about ocean pollution. They will organise and represent data using bar charts and read and interpret block graphs.
Strand: Data
Strand Unit: Representing and Interpreting Data
Interpreting Data from the Fishing Port
The aim of the lesson plan is for the children to be able to read and interpret trend graphs. Using data collected from the Irish fishing ports, the children will compile and use simple data sets and explore and calculate averages of simple data sets.