Working With Us
We value our ‘people as our greatest asset’ and we adopt a best practice approach in our recruitment methods to ensure that all recruitment is dealt with in a fair and efficient manner. This is reflected in our Excellence Through People Accreditation (NSAI HR Standard). Equally, we recognise that investing in the lifelong learning and development of our staff is central to the success of the organisation. We also ensure that there is emphasis placed on maximising potential while ensuring work-life balance and employee wellbeing.
To give you an insight into working with us, have a look at the Human Resources Charter 2016 - 2019 ‘Supporting Excellence’ and the Career Profiles of staff working with us.
Current Vacancies
Notification on the current vacancies we have to offer at the Marine Institute.
Career Profiles
Review some of our esteemed staff profiles and our achievements to date.
Career Information and Resources
Find out more about our prospects and how we position ourselves as an ‘Equal Opportunities Employer’.