Vessel User Information
This page contains information to assist Principle Investigators/Chief Scientists on-board and survey participants prepare for an upcoming survey.
Marine Facilities Planning
Marine Facilities Planning (MFP) is an online application used to assist Chief Scientists/vessel users, crew and shore staff with survey planning. It is used to share information about the survey's activities, scientific crew, equipment, logistics and sailing instructions between the various parties.
To access the MFP, Principle Investigators/Chief Scientists should click on 'Request an account' on the MFP homepage and can apply for ship-time on the RV Tom Crean and RV Celtic Explorer by completing a Ship-time Application (STA) in the Scientists' portal.
Due to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), each scientist needs to update their personal details on the MFP themselves. Those details include specific dietary requirements, medical conditions, next of kin (NOK), ENG11 & PST issue dates. The first step is for the Chief Scientist/Principle Investigator of a survey to add the name, email address and organisation of each scientist sailing onboard a survey. Once those details are added each scientist will receive an automated email from the MFP requesting them to create a password to access the details of the survey they will be participating on.
Please contact Research Vessel Operations if you have any issues accessing the MFP.
Required Seafaring Certificates
ENG 11 Medical Cert: All scientists boarding our research vessels must present an original Seafarer's Medical (ENG 11) certificate on boarding the vessel. ENG 11 certificates are valid for 2 years from date of issue. Click here for further information and a list of approved ENG 11 doctors in Ireland.
Personal Survival Techniques (PST) Cert: All scientists joining the research vessels must also complete a Personal Survival Techniques (PST) course in advance of the survey and present the original certificate when joining the vessel. PST certificates are valid for 5 years from date of issue. Click here to view the list of PST Approved Training Course Providers.
Some scientists joining the research vessels will be required to undertake further training in Ships Security Awareness. This will be discussed with the Chief Scientist at cruise planning stage.
For more information regarding the required certificates, download the following document: Required Seafaring Certificates ( pdf, 895kb).
Vessel Users' Guidelines
Please contact Research Vessel Operations for the latest guidelines for survey participants on the RV Tom Crean and RV Celtic Explorer.
Undertaking research in Marine Special Areas of Conservation (SACs)![Dolphin Alongside the Celtic Explorer Dolphin Alongside the Celtic Explorer](/sites/default/files/MIFiles/Docs/ResearchVessels/Dolphin.jpg)
Conducting marine scientific research within Special Areas of Conservation is subject to permit from the National Parks and Wildlife Service.
Researchers conducting surveys on Irish vessels should review the code of practice (pdf, 106kb) for undertaking marine scientific research within these areas and complete and submit the form; Application Form to Conduct Marine Scientific Research at Irish Coral Reef Special Areas of Conservation (pdf, 60kb) to the National Parks and Wildlife service. Further details are available at NPWS.
Application to Undertake Research in Foreign Waters
If it is intended to conduct all or part of a survey in foreign waters, an 'Application to Conduct Scientific Research in Foreign Waters' for the country in question must be completed and sent to Research Vessel Operations for processing.
The application form must be submitted through diplomatic channels via the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs. Seven months notice is required. Blank application forms for the UK and France are available to download below and application forms for other countries are available by request from Research Vessel Operations.
Celtic Explorer Application Form to conduct research in UK Waters (Word, 177kb)
Tom Crean Application Form to conduct research in UK Waters (Word, 177kb)
Celtic Explorer Application Form to conduct research in French waters (Word,18kb)
Tom Crean Application Form to conduct research in French Waters (Word 18kb)
If you have any query regarding your survey, please contact the Research Vessel Operations team and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.