Marine Institute CEO Welcomes Major European Event - BioMarine 2008

Dr Peter Heffernan and Biomarine BrochureDr Peter Heffernan, Chief Executive of the Marine Institute and EU Ambassador for the Sea, has welcomed the launch of BioMarine 2008, a French-EU Presidency conference to be held in Toulon and Marseille from the 20th – 24th October this year.  

“The publication of the EU Maritime Green Paper – Towards a Future Maritime Policy for the Union last June, followed in October of last year by the Integrated Maritime Policy and Action Plan for the European Union, represent a major and very welcome leap forward in the evolution of EU maritime policy,” said Dr. Heffernan. “The BioMarine Conference will provide a unique opportunity to evaluate progress to date and to chart a way forward over the next decade.”  

Featuring over 200 internationally renowned speakers across 50 sessions, and a 3,000 square meter exhibition, the BioMarine Conference promises to be a landmark event.  

The Marine Institute is represented on the BioMarine 2008 International Scientific Committee  and on the International Steering Committee.  

For further information see: